• 300 Blackout Processed LC marked .223 Rem, Standard Grade Brass (250CT)

Most are the new "Commercial" LC marked .223 Rem on the rim

Standard Grade brass is sorted after processing and polishing to remove any bad cases. As with all fired cases, there may be slight deflector dings on some cases.

Final inspection of the brass before loading is the end users responsibility.

All the brass has been:

  • Washed (our liquid tumbling process)
  • Deprimed
  • Swaged (every 50th piece is checked with a Ballistic Tools primer pocket gauge for uniformity)
  • Trimmed to 1.360 (shoulder set is started in the trimming die)
  • Finish sized to 300BLK SAAMI spec (every 10th piece is checked in a Sheridan chamber gauge for uniformity)
  • Chamfered and deburred on a Giraud trimmer to a 1.358 OAL +/- .003 (this is why our 300BLK brass shines, most companies just stainless tumble which beats the burrs down, or charge an additional fee for Giraud trim)
  • Polished in our high shine corncob mix

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300 Blackout Processed LC marked .223 Rem, Standard Grade Brass (250CT)

  • $39.99
  • $28.99

Tags: Sages, 300, ACC, Blackout